Wednesday, May 8, 2013

If you are new to this blog I suggest you go back to the oldest post and work your way forward. On with the story:

After they had emerged back into clear streets Jacob pulled an apple from the satchel that hung at his side and tossed it to Pelu. He began speaking as they walked through the labyrinthine streets of the capitol.

"The city is ruled by the royals but the priests and inventors hold a lot of power as well. Even though the royal family makes the laws, a lot of people won't follow those laws if the priests don't agree with them. That means the priests have a lot of power. The temple at the center of the city is filled with priests and acolytes, and I've heard that it's connected to the palace by tunnels so the priests can keep track of what's happening in the palace. The royals almost always consult them, so the temple has a lot of power."

"The temple is mostly closed off to the public. There's a shrine room that you can go into to make offerings but the rest is closed off. Some of the nobles can get further in and the royal family can go all the way to the chamber of the high priest, but they say that even the royal family has access to only a small portion of the temple. The rest is a mystery that can only be known be those who have dedicated themselves fully to the order. The acolytes are like priests in training. They have to leave everything behind. They live in the temple and only leave on holy business. Whatever that may be."

"The inventors don't get along with the holy order. There's been a small feud between them longer than my parents can remember. They think that our problems can be solved through inventions and making our world better. The priests say that we need to solve our problems through devotion to the gods and rely on them to make our world better. They disapprove of many of the inventions that come out of the guild and have been trying to convince the royal family to dissolve the guild entirely. The royal family has a whole kingdom to rule, but they spend most of their time trying to keep the balance between the inventors and the holy order."

"How do you know all this?" Pelu asked. "I spend a lot of time on the streets" Jacob replied. "I talk to a lot of people so I know just about everything that happens in this city."

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